Quality Policy
Safety Policy
Environmental Policy
For U-Cont, the three most important goals are:
7. Affordable and Clean Energy
We are actively developing and providing services for the distribution and storage of liquid energy. While a significant portion of our revenue currently comes from fossil fuels, we have been at the forefront of developing storage and distribution for next-generation bio-based fuels, hydrogen, and electro-fuels. Additionally, the safe and efficient handling of fossil fuels is a key part of several sustainable development goals.
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
We aim to provide good employment opportunities for a wide range of individuals, from those with lower levels of education to those with higher education. This is particularly significant in Eastern Finland, where unemployment and out-migration are major regional issues contributing to inequality. This is reflected in our values—locality.
9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
Through active development work and networking, we strive to influence the growth of our industry in a way that improves quality, environmental friendliness, and safety.
© 2017 U-Cont. Rekisteri- ja evästeseloste.
Suunnittelu ja toteutus Aava & Bang