The largest supplier of metal tanks in the Nordic countries with over 50 years of experience.
We offer a wide range of high-quality tank solutions for various needs.
All tanks we manufacture are thoroughly inspected and tested in accordance with our ISO 9001:2015 certified quality system. Our versatile products and various equipment options ensure that we can easily meet different customer needs and applications.
Our factory has its own surface treatment department, providing the desired surface finish for both the interior and exterior of the tank. We offer surface treatment options for a wide range of chemicals.
For special projects, we can also provide tanks with custom sizes and diameters.
Send an inquiry, and we will let you know what options we can offer.
Underground and above-ground cylindrical tanks
Single or double-wall tanks in accordance with standard SFS-EN 12285-1 and EN 12285-2.
Overview of standard diameters and volumes:
Diameter 1600 mm: 3 m³ – 5 m³ – 8 m³ – 10 m³ – 13 m³ – 16 m³
Diameter 2000 mm: 10 m³ – 15 m³ – 16 m³ – 20 m³ – 25 m³ – 30 m³
Diameter 2500 mm: 20 m³ – 25 m³ – 30 m³ – 40 m³ – 50 m³ – 60 m³ – 70 m³
Diameter 2900 mm: 40 m³ – 50 m³ – 60 m³ – 70 m³ – 80 m³ – 100 m³
Diameter 3140 mm: 60 m³ – 70 m³ – 80 m³ – 100 m³ – 120 m³
Our tanks are ideally suited for the storage of the following products:
Rectangular Tanks
We manufacture rectangular tanks in various sizes. The applications of rectangular tanks are versatile. Nowadays, their main uses include backup power units, where they are used, for example, for storing fuel or other liquids. The adaptability of these tanks’ dimensions makes them particularly suitable for a wide range of applications, as they can be customized to meet the specific requirements of a given location. A protective bund or support frame can be added around the rectangular tank.
U-Cont manufactures various silos in accordance with user requirements in diameters of 1.6-3.2 meters and in lengths 3-15 meters.
We also manufacture different solutions, please contact our sale!
© 2017 U-Cont. Rekisteri- ja evästeseloste.
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